According to a recent Forbes magazine article entitled “Sexual Harassment and the ‘Win at All Costs’ Mentality of the Silicon Valley:” “Silicon Valley and, in truth, much of the startup world – particularly the tech sector – have been dealing with their dirty little secrets of harassment and discrimination for years.” The article explains that “[m]any young companies thrust like-minded and similar looking executives into positions of power and money and they become blinded by success as their company grows. They hide their skeletons in a closet of innovation and make diversity, inclusion and even HR an afterthought.” Read the full article here.
If you believe that you have been subjected to sexual harassment at work, call 916-612-0326or email ([email protected]) Finley Employment Law today. We serve clients throughout California, including Sacramento, Folsom, Roseville, Granite Bay, and Elk Grove.
The information in this blog post is for general informational and advertising purposes only and is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. Instead, you should speak with a California employment attorney for advice regarding your individual situation.