Under California law, it is unlawful for an employee to sexually harass another employee. A less known fact is that under California law, it is also unlawful for a non-employee (such as a client, customer, or trespasser) to sexually harass an employee. And in certain...
Exclusively Employment Law
Month: December 2018
Arteaga v. Brink’s Inc.: What Is a “Disability” Under California Law?
Under California law, an employer may not terminate an employee’s employment because of the employee’s disability. The question is: what qualifies as a “disability” under California law? According to a California Court of Appeal case, pain and numbness alone do not...
In the News: Employers’ Responses to Sexual Harassment
Earlier this month, the University of Massachusetts - Amherst's Center for Employment Equity released a study entitled Employers' Responses to Sexual Harassment. Among other things, the study finds as follows: 1. Approximately 5 million employees are sexually harassed...
UCLA Releases Study About Nail Salon Workers
Earlier this month, the UCLA Labor Center released a study about the nail salon industry entitled "Nail Files: A Study of Nail Salon Workers and Industry in the United States" (hereinafter, "Nail Files"). According to the study 1. "71% of nail salon employees have...